Jacqueline Cofield featured on STEMCAST Podcast, discusses STEAM Education

STEMCAST Podcast: Because You Can!

The STEMcast Podcast is hosted by Dr. Reagan Flowers and is designed to inspire and advance STEM perspectives.
Dr. Flowers interviews STEM + Art + Communications professionals from all walks of life and discusses the significance of C-STEM in their professional and personal life. You can expect a new episode each month with a complimentary newsletter.
Creating Global Game Changers Through STEAM with Jacqueline Cofield
Jacqueline Cofield, founder of J Rêve International LLC, is a multi-passionate, multidisciplinary cultural creative, educator, and yogini. Cofield has traveled to nearly 60 countries, resided in eight, and is trilingual (Spanish, French).
Her global work includes programs with MAPP International Productions, Paramount International TV, Columbia Pictures, The Sundance Film Festival – New Frontier, Disney Corporation, Sony Music,  The Peggy Guggenheim Museum, UNESCO, Give1Project, The Chicago Sinfonietta, G.R. N’Namdi Gallery, The University of Southern California, Ithaca College Los Angeles, University of Rochester, and The New York City Department of Education.
J Rêve International LLC, a global culture and arts education social enterprise. As a cultural practitioner, she creates meaningful experiences for artists, educators, and students who seek intercultural experiences advancing their global awareness and arts engagements. In order to produce these programs, Cofield collaborates globally with creatives, cultural, and educational institutions and private enterprises.
In this episode we discuss:
  • Jacqueline’s experience as a teacher that led her to creating J Rêve International LLC.
  • What is global citizenry? How can you participate?
  • The process to step out and pursue your dream.
For more information on Jacqueline Cofield visit J Rêve International LLC.

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